Tuesday, March 31, 2020


1.Hypermagnesemia = Neuromuscular depression (hypo-Mg causes depressed deep tendon reflexes, muscle weakness, if Dec acetyl choline release is present in options, click that) 
2. Brain blood flow is regulated by = PCO2
3. Confidentiality can be breached = if patient authorize you
4. H202 in which organelle = peroxisomes
5. Cannot regenerate = Lens
6. 2nd arch derivative = Stylohyoid
7. Liquefactive necrosis = in brain
8.Golgi muscle tendon = causes muscles relaxation
9.interstitial lung disease with non-caseating granuloma & hilar nodes = Sarcoidosis
10.Most common genetic disorder = Multifactorial
11.Muscle of fright and Sadness = Platysma
12.Throid lymph Drainage = deep cervical lymph nodes
13.Temporal artery is related to = Auriculotemporal nerve
14.Acute Renal failure part affected = PCT
15.Shoulder pain referred from pleura = C345
16.Lt suprarenal drain = Lt renal vein
17.Councilman bodies seen = Apoptosis
18.Basic drug binds = alpha glycoprotein ( while acidic drugs bind albumin )
19.Case control typical scenario = disease and not diseased
20.ICAM and VCAM = adhesion molecules
21.Symphysis pubis joint = Secondary cartilaginous joint ( all midline joints are secondary cartilaginous joints like symphysis menti, joint between vertebrae, symphysis pubic etc. )
22.Pyogenic peritonitis – Asteroides
23.Dif f Malignant and Benign tumors = metastasis
24.Microscopic feature Malignant tumor = invasion
25.Goblet cells covert to Clara = Terminal bronchioles
26.No lymph nodules = Thymus
27.Megalobalstic anemia invest = Intrinsic factor antibodies
28.Scenario Achondroplasia = Autosomal dominant
29.Pt lying on bed at room temp = Conduction
30.Decrease Gentamicin clearance in old age = Decrease renal function
31.Congenital cataract = Rubella
32.Virus act by =altering proteins synthesis
33.No valves seen in = SVC
34.Pt support in our culture = family
35.Fast pain fiber = A delta
36.Preganglionic nerve fiber = B fiber ( while post ganglionic are C fibers, and if asked pure autonomic fibers, then prefer B fibers, and don’t confuse B fibers with A beta fibers)
37. Definitive diagnosis of TB = sputum AFB
38.Extraembryonic coelomic membrane = endoderm
39.Not isotonic to plasma = 5% dextrose water
40.Ventricular filling -= 3rd heart sound ( S1 = isovolumic contraction, S2 = isovolumetric relaxation & S4 = atrial kick )
41.Organ which utilizes glucose – brain ( if asked cell then click Rbcs)
42.Lower motor neuron lesion = flaccid paralysis
43.CNS myelination = Oligodendrocytes
44.Flight or fright Stimulation = Decrease release of bronchial secretions
45.Atrial fibrillation = Pulse deficit
46.Hot sunny day, sudden collapse = Excessive sweating
47.C1 vertebra feature = lacks vertebral body
48.Dec plasma proteins = Inc. GFR
49.Cardiac reserve = Max % by which CO can be Inc. above normal
50.Osmosis depends = no of particles
51.5% dextrose in large amount given = ADH inhibition
52.Betel nut chewing causes = sub mucosal fibrosis
53.TB antibodies are = Cell bound
54.Regarding HIV = decreases helper T cells
55.Most imp response in shock as a whole = CNS ischemic response
56.In Iron def. anemia in pregnancy, Increased = TIBC
57.Acute glomerulonephritis proteinuria = Basement membrane defect
58.Motor unit = single motor nerve fiber innervates multiple muscle fibers
59. Extension of Hip and Flexion of Leg is by = Semitendinous
60.Long Thoracic Nerve Supply = Serratus Anterior
61. Correct Sequence of Protein Synthesis is = mRNA Cytoplasm,Ribosome,tRna,AminoAcids
62.All true regarding Breast Peau de orange appearance Except = Orange Brown Appearance is because of the Necrosis
63.Lady with leg Swelling from last 5 months with no history of fever and cough but cxr show bilateral pleural effusion Deranged Lfts and Rt Heart Enlargement = Recurrent Thromboembolism
64.Estrogen, Progesteron and Testosteron acts Via = Transcription ( All steroid hormones act on Genes as they can easily cross membrane and need no cell surface receptors )
65.Complication Associated with Trochanteric Fracture is = Pulmonary Emolism
66.GVE to palate Muscle is via = Dorsal Vagal Nucleus (G= Gen sensation ie not special like smell taste etc , V= Visceral ie Stomach ,Gut etc, E= Efferent ie nerves Exiting from CNS)
67.Max increase in ECF Volume due to = Infusion of Hypertonic Solution.
68. internal carotid a damage, bleeding, at what vertebral tubercle u will press to stop bleed = 6th cervical
69.Cysticercosis caused by = ingesting eggs of tenia solium
70.Which drug has more effect on cox2 than cox1 = celexocib ( if asked more selective cox2 , prefer celecoxib, if asked potent cax2 , prefer Meloxicam then )
71. Suboccipital n supply which muscle = rectus capitis posterior
72.Regarding intercostobrachial nerve true is = 2nd intercostal sensory
73.Normal resonance are = right 2nd to 4th midclvicular line
74.In Asian population most common cause of macrocytosis = alcohol (if asked in our country then prefer liver disease)
75.RCA after giving marginal branch obstruction affect = AV node (BRS BCQ)
76.Penile urethra rupture = scrotum under colles fascia ( note the MNEMONIC
●PUS = Penile Urethra Scrotum/ Superficial perinial pouch
●BUS = Bulbar Urethra Superficial perinial pouch
●MUD = membranous urethra Deep pouch )
77.Middle rectal artery branch of, = .internal iliac
78. Chlamydial infection causing chlamydia psittacosis is,, = .obligate intracellular
79.Scenario of granuloma with yellow pigment = Actinomyeces
80.Painful papule at labia = hsv II(HSV I is on lips Face , but now a days the rule is not followed strictly)
81.most perineum and pelvis nerve supplied by, = pudendal
82.Which of the following Maintain flexor tone of arm mainly = rubro spinal( note that rubroSpinal is for flexor tone while vestibulospinal tract is for extensor tone )
83.Lower motor neuron lesion. = muscle wasting
84.Hemisetion with total spinal section differentiated by = spinal shock
85.Which one is most common exocrine pancreas tumor = ductal adenocarcinoma
86.Delayed action of insulin = stimulate mRNA transcription for lipogenesis
87.Gas having maximum diffusion capacity in body fluids = CO2 (Max affinity is of Co and Maximum Diffusion capacity is of Co2)
88.Dec PO2 in blood. = Hypo ventilation
89.A person living on river side since 2 yrs, having blindness, ophthalmologist identify which larva = .onchcerosis
90.Antrum of stomach removed what will happen = Dec compliance
91.Margins of TB ulcer = .undermined
92.Ulcer due to Hypertension, = Martorell
93.What is the Mechanism of action of PTU = Inhibits synthesis of thyroid hormones
94.Right optic tract lesion causes = left homonymous hemianopia
95.Internal laryngeal nerve passes through = Thyroid n hyoid
96.Which is used for screening congenital abnormality = Estriol
97.Phenyl over alcohol anaesthesia = less painful (Alcohol is Very Potent and Excruciatingly Painful)
98.Patient developed hemolysis due toG6PdD deficiency,,What will happen Next = Self-limiting
99.Liver Develops from = ventral mesentry proximal foregut
100. Saphenous nerve is terminal branch of = femoral

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